THANK YOU for visiting Rêve-Amp'T.
This Site is Work-in-Progress and I will continue to develop it, adding images, missing links, and sales pages for items that are for sale. So please do check back from time to time and thank you for visiting. New work to be added, as well. Be well.
Limitless is actually "The Lovers," belonging to my Tarot Series, representing the 7th card in the Major Arcana, keeping in mind the Deck begins with 0, so The Lovers is VI (six).
This is free-hanging (from attached chains) double-sided mixed-media art work, incorporating paint, paper (collage), metal, glass, and plastic/beads, with an 18" x 48" wood board as the canvas-base, great for painting on and attaching and drilling--irridescent-clear plastic beads fill holes allowing light to penetrate from one side to the other.
The image itself comes from a random photo when my husband set the timer on the camera, and it captured this moment, this embrace. As opposed to the famous black and white post-WWII "Surrender" kiss photo between the sailor and the unfamiliar nurse (not his girlfriend) whom he just randomly grabbed, with the nurse's arms clearly indicating that not only was she caught off-guard, but she wasn't a willing participant, I find the mutual embrace of two people who are both willingly participating far more romantic and passionate, with the obvious mutual love and respect unmistakable.
Limitless is all about the "love&respect" I have experienced only in these last seven years (of a near five decades) since meeting my husband and finding that kinship. He is my muse, has inspired me, preserved me (and my sanity), and shown me what the true meaning of Love is, that Love should makes us into the best possible version of ourselves, not changing us, enhancing us.
Created in 2012, "Limitless" has not yet been shown in public.
7th Premise: Respect is earned, not assumed.
Limitless (Tarot Series)